Thundering Typhoons

A few of us might have even noticed the name on the covers of our favourite TinTin books...
Although I've loved each and every TinTin, it has to be said that no TinTin is complete without the bumbling twins - Thomson and ThomPson (with a P as in Philadelphia). Even when I pick up a TinTin now, I find their antics hilarious and rib tickling. 'Course, any description is incomplete without, the slightly hard of hearing, Prof. Cuthbert Calculus. Introduced in the funniest of ways in Secret of the Unicorn, Calculus (and his infamous Pendulum, the one which alwayz pointed to the west) forms an important aspect of humour and adventure throughout the rest of the TinTins. No Snowy, we can't forget you, the first page of The Broken Ear, in which, Snowy is doing some kinda exercise with TinTin is etched in my memory forever, for some reason. Btw, hes quite a drunkard himself :-)
Even baddies deserve a mention. Rastapopoulos was the cigar smokin' badman in a few of the TinTins. Made his final appearance in The Lake of Sharks, which , I think, is not a Herge creation.
Personally, the adventures I liked most were The Secret of the Unicorn + Red Rackhams Treasure & The 7 crystal balls + The prisoners of the Sun (Rascacapac!!!).
Does anyone know Captain Haddocks first name?